Inside My Mind

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Prompt for the week of Jan 31

When I think about a touch that is more significant to me than any other touch, it is that of a body laying in a coffin. The first funeral I ever went to was that of my uncles whose death took us all by surprise falling a terrible hunting accident. Seeing the body laying there in the coffin, and placing my hand upon his face, hoping the feel the warmth and comfort I had known for years, but rather feeling the most frightening touch in the world. The skin was hard and clay like, nothing like a person's skin should feel like. And so cold, I would have thought it was winter and we had just spend hours and hours outside. The touch of that skin, the cold, lifeless skin, borought me to the reality of what was really happening. And after feeling that touch just once, I knew it was a feeling I never wanted to feel again. Since that day, I have been to two more funerals. Now I am much to afraid to dare touch the body laying in the coffin. Knowing that it won't be right. Knowing that the touch brings to present the reality that is just too hard to face. It's amazing to me, how that one touch, or even the thought of that one touch can bring so much sadness to me all at once, and it is a touch that I will never forget.


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