Inside My Mind

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Propt for the week of April 11th

Throughtout my life, I've had many friends but none as long and faithful as my friend Leigh. She has been my friend since Kindergarden and my best friend since third grade. Sure, we've been through a lot together but we will always be friends, BEST FRIENDS. Throughout my life, I have also added a couple other friends to my "Best Friends" catergory of friends. Once Leigh and I got to junior high and high school we never had any classes together so we didn't get to see each other nearly as often. In the eighth grade I met my next best friend, Lacey Schroeder. She has been here for me every day ever since, even though now she lives 1000s of miles away from me in Honolulu, HI. I would definately say that Lacey and Leigh were my two best friends of high school, and still today. Now that I myself have gone away to college, I've had to make new friends and of course another new "best friend" to help fill the abesence of Leigh and Lacey. My first week of college I met Laci Paul, who I would definately say if my best friend here at college. We are always with each other, we go to parties together and we are planning on living together this summer. Laci has definately helped me during my first yeat of college and has helped me through a lot. Through Laci, I also met my now boyfriend, Matt, whom I would also now consider to be a best friend to me. I can tell Matt anything and he is always here to cheer me up and brighten my day. Throughout my life time, I cannot say that I have really had any huge enemies. I would say my biggest enemy has always been myself and not being good enough to please everyone else, or failing at something.


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