Inside My Mind

Friday, April 07, 2006

Prompt for the week of April 4th

A religous event that really brought me closer to God was going through TEC. TEC stands for Teens Encounter Christ. This event took place from a Friday morning until Sunday night. There was also a reuion the following Sunday. During the weekend, I learned a so much about myself and different times in my life that God was really there for me. I learned more of the power of God and how he had greatly effected others that I knew from school. Attending this event helped me find a more positive circle of people to surround myself with at school in order to have a more religous lifestlye. I was very, very moved after the weekend. I started reading the bible more and more. I took off Sunday mornings from work so that I didn't miss a church service. I also started encouraging other friends of mine to go to church and go through TEC so they could also feel the power of God's love and learn how he wishes you to live your life. I would definately say that this event was the biggest event I had ever attended to bring me closer to God. I am so glad that I had to change to go to something so amazing and hope that sometime in the future I will be able to work a TEC so that I can help others see God's light and bring God into more people's lives.


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