The happiness I once felt has long since passed,
My emotions are going crazy,
My heart in pieces like shattered glass.
Today I tried to put on a brave face,
And smile when I’m in a crowd.
These treats may have fooled some,
But for myself it didn’t work.
Because secretly thus night,
When I climb into bed alone,
My tears spilled down my cheeks
With the thought of you being gone.
I tried so hard to hate you,
To forget that you’re alive.
But I can’t stop loving you,
And it makes me want to die.
I felt so happy to have met you,
And I’ve tried so hard to forget you.
But my mind is poisoned with your memories,
My heart is filled with nothing but love toward you.
The tears have started to slow down now,
I may be able to go to sleep.
I am dreaming of that happiness,
The one that’s long since passed.
These memories of you are good ones,
And they will always last.